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MANIKEN® Classic 4 - Striding


Caught in mid-stride, this model shows the body in motion. Use this MANIKEN® model to teach the impact of gravity and momentum on biomechanical systems.

  • MANIKEN®  Model, 29″ high on a sturdy base
  • Hardware for assembly
  • Basic Tool Set
  • Package of reusable clay

Create a complete package.

Items that compliment the MANIIKEN® Classic 4 - Striding Model:
Professional Developments
MANIKEN® Classic 1
SAP Model
MANIKEN® Classic 10 Reptilian Model
Basic Muscles, Nerves & Blood Vessels of the Human Leg

2198 W 15th St., Loveland, CO 80538
© 2024 Zahourek Systems, Inc. and affiliates. All rights reserved. ANATOMY IN CLAY® is a registered trademark of Zahourek Systems, Inc. or affiliates in the US or other countries. Authorization for limited trademark use licensed by Zahourek Systems, Inc., a sole provider of Anatomy in Clay® Learning System. 
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