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MANIKEN® & EQUIKEN® Comparative Pectoral Model


Comparing anatomical structures between the animal world and humans only magnifies the educational experience and provides the linkage for the review of evolutionary subsystems. The process is enhanced as one uses the pectoral systems of the MANIKEN® and EQUIKEN® models in a side by side comparative review. Build the musculature, the nerves and vascular systems (as well as others) and enjoy the similarities.

  • MANIKEN® & EQUIKEN® Comparative Pectoral Model, on a sturdy base
  • Hardware for assembly
  • Basic Tool Set
  • Package of reusable clay

2198 W 15th St., Loveland, CO 80538
© 2024 Zahourek Systems, Inc. and affiliates. All rights reserved. ANATOMY IN CLAY® is a registered trademark of Zahourek Systems, Inc. or affiliates in the US or other countries. Authorization for limited trademark use licensed by Zahourek Systems, Inc., a sole provider of Anatomy in Clay® Learning System. 
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